Tamgu. No.8
Tamgu. No.8
  • Purpose: As Aft-trawl vessel, Tamgu 8 covers all of oceanographic surveys in waters of the West and South Sea of Korea and surveys for Korea-China joint oceanographic environment research. It collects data for scientific analysis on seasonal fishing status by water depth. The raw data is utilized to predict changes in climate condition, ecology and fisheries stocks in the coastal and off-shore waters of Korea.
  • Activities: Oceanographic surveys on waters in the West and South Sea, Surveys for Korea-China joint oceanographic environment research
  • Navigation Zone: Coastal and off-shore waters
  • Research & Observation Equipment: Trawls, CTD winch, Oceanographic observation winch, CTD, Water sampler, Plankton sampler, Whale watching pole
Research Vessels
R/V Name TAMGU 8 Gross T. 283 Ton
Launched Oct, 1995 Ser. Speed 14.0 Kts
Material Steel Range 5000 NM
Main Eng. 1705ps x 2ea Generator 300ps x 2ea
Compliments 25P Main Port Incheon
Particulars LBP42.24 x B8.6 x D3.7 x d3.15m