
Welcome to the National Institute of Fisheries Science
Inland Fisheries Research Institute homepage.s
Our research institute is working to preserve species whose resources in Korea's inland Fisheries are declining and conducts such research tasks as ecological research to restore extinct species, such as species that have disappeared, development of aquaculture technology for species that need aquaculture, etc.
Our research institute started in 1949 as the Cheongpyeong Fish Farm of the Central Fisheries Experimental Station, and was promoted to the Cheongpyeong Fish Farm under the National Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1974. It was then expanded to the Cheongpyeong Inland Fisheries Research Institute of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in 1985. In 2013, it was renamed the Inland Fisheries Research Institute of the National Institute of Fisheries Science of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and continues to operate under this name to this day.
Our research institute is doing its best to discover the value of inland Fisheries through active research activities and inform the public of that value. In particular, we have installed and operated the first native freshwater fish exhibition hall in Korea, providing visitors with a place to learn about nature where they can directly observe freshwater fish.
We are contributing to the creation of a space for rest and leisure activities for the people by identifying and preserving the amount of resources of creatures living in our beautiful rivers and lakes and researching ways to utilize these resources. In addition, we will do our best to develop the inland aquaculture industry by developing high value-added inland aquaculture breeds, accumulating developed information, and providing information.
Thank you.
Major Research
- Investigation and research on the management and recovery of inland fishery resources
- Development of farming technology for inland water aquatic creatures (including ornamentals fish)
- Research on species conservation and breed improvement of inland aquaculture organisms
- Environmental monitoring of inland water resource conservation areas
- Research on the collection, characteristics, and use of aquatic life resources in inland Fisheries
- Research and policy support for inland fishery
2021. 05. 07Completion ceremony for the new building of the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
2021. 01. 01Integration of research functions following the relocation of the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (abolition of the Inland Water Aquaculture Research Center)
2018. 08. 08Groundbreaking ceremony for the new building of the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do → Geumsan-gun, Chungnam)
2011. 01. 01Salmon research function transferred due to incorporation of fishery resource development business(Cold Water Fish Research Center abolished)
2009. 04. 30Functional reorganization of the Inland Fisheries Research Institute and change of institution name Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute reorganized and 2 centers established under its affiliation(Nambu → Inland Aquaculture Research Center, Yeongdong → Coldwater Fish Research Center)
2007. 01. 01Adjustment of Inland Fisheries Research Institute function by region and change of institution name(Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Nambu Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Yeongdong Inland Fisheries Research Institute)
2004. 01. 29Reorganization of the Inland Water Research Institute by function(Cheongpyeong → Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Jinhae → Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Yangyang → East Sea Salmon Team)
2002. 03. 02Renamed Cheongpyeong Inland Fisheries Research Institute of the National Institute of Fisheries Science
1985. 04. 26Expansion of the Inland Fisheries Research Institute (including the Jinhae branch) to three Inland Fisheries Research Institutes(Cheongpyeong Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Jinhae Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Yangyang Inland Fisheries Research Institute)
1981. 11. 02Inland water research work returned to the National Fisheries Research and Development Agency (renamed Inland Fisheries Research Institute)(1981.12.31 Jinhae Branch Office renamed Jinhae Branch)
1974. 11. 06Inland water research transferred to the Fisheries Agency (reorganized into Cheongpyeong Fish Farm and Jinhae Branch Farm)(1974.12.04 Cheongpyeong Branch Farm removed from the National Fisheries Research and Development Agency)
1971. 09. 02Cheongpyeong Branch of the Jinhae Freshwater Research Institute renamed the Cheongpyeong Branch of the Jinhae Fisheries Center(1971.08.13 Jinhae Freshwater Research Institute renamed Jinhae Fish Farm)
1964. 03. 11Reorganized the former Cheongpyeong Freshwater District Branch into the Cheongpyeong Branch of the Jinhae Freshwater District Laboratory
1963. 12. 17Reorganized into Jinhae Freshwater Research Institute of the National Fisheries Research and Development Agency
1962. 05. 10Renamed Cheongpyeong Freshwater District Branch and Jinhae Freshwater District Branch
1949. 11. 10Establishment of Cheongpyeong Fish Farm and Jinhae Fish Farm at Central Fisheries Experiment Station